Feast Days
“People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.”- Luke 13:29
We commemorate feast days within the life of our school as a way to celebrate the events of our Christian faith, and as a way to honor saints who come before us as examples of wisdom, virtue and faithfulness to God. Celebration and feasting allows us to experience the riches of Christ’s Kingdom and the heavenly banquet here on earth. We set the table together, we share traditions, we practice the Christian virtue of hospitality and we honor Christ.
At Saint George Classical Academy we come together as a community each December in order to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas, a beloved intercessor for children and travelers. In April, we honor our patron, Saint George, with feasts and festivals. Additionally, we enjoy the traditions of the Christmas season, and adhere to the Holy Days leading to and following the feast of The Resurrection.