
Student Led Conferences


On Friday, we hosted our first Student Led Conferences, in which students have an opportunity to share their learning with their parents, presenting work samples and reflections on their personal growth. Starting in kindergarten we emphasize self-assessment so that our students grow into self-governing, lifelong learners. It was a beautiful event!

Student Led Conferences2025-03-10T21:18:29-04:00

Dr. Joyce Joins Faculty as Curriculum Director and Teacher


Dr. James Joyce has joined Saint George Classical Academy as a full time teacher as well as our Curriculum Director. Dr. Joyce is currently teaching both math and science across all grade levels, while developing our programming for our High School, which will launch in September 2025. Dr. Joyce is an academic with a PhD in astrophysics who has worked on numerous NASA missions as a student, researcher, and team leader. Inspired to study the cosmos by the mathematical order which undergirds all of the created world and which points to our transcendent Creator, he is inspired by the potential for [...]

Dr. Joyce Joins Faculty as Curriculum Director and Teacher2025-03-05T13:31:34-05:00

Valentine Tea with the Boxford Council on Aging


Saint George students were delighted to join Boxford senior citizens for a Valentine tea this week. Our walk across the street to the Council on Aging was made even more exciting for students by a police escort from Chief of Police, Officer Riter. When we arrived, the students sang a few songs including the beloved "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things," and enjoyed tea, finger sandwiches, and a beautiful spread of sweets generously provided by the Council on Aging. We exchanged Valentines with Council members and enjoyed lively conversations. We are grateful for the opportunity to develop these beautiful, intergenerational relationships within [...]

Valentine Tea with the Boxford Council on Aging2025-02-13T20:59:47-05:00

Snow Days At Saint George


January was a busy and beautiful month at Saint George Classical Academy. Dr. Philip Mamalakis came and spoke to families about Christian parenting. Families were uplifted by the practical guidance he provided and it was wonderful to have both Saint George families and families who visited us for the first time. We are grateful to continue building a community and connecting people for the purpose of educating children. Fr. Seraphim Solof visited us to celebrate the feast of Theophany and bless the school. Students enjoyed learning from him about the life-sustaining significance of water and the baptism of our Saviour. They [...]

Snow Days At Saint George2025-02-11T21:35:08-05:00

High School Announcement


We are excited to officially announce that Saint George Classical Academy will be launching its High School this coming September! The High School will be located in the First Church Congregational Boxford's beautiful parsonage building next door to the school (pictured below). We are recruiting 9th and 10th graders for our opening year and will expand to 11th and 12th grade in the coming years.

High School Announcement2025-01-29T14:05:42-05:00

Merry Christmas from Saint George


Wishing all of our friends and families a blessed Nativity! The birth of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ is a profound miracle and we thank God for the beauty that the Incarnation has brought into the world. Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Merry Christmas from Saint George2025-01-20T11:15:54-05:00

Students Visit Council on Aging


Saint George students joined Boxford's Council on Aging Tuesday for lunch, Christmas carols, and conversation. When the young and old come together, both receive incredible blessings and this beautiful event marked the beginning of our work toward nurturing intergenerational relationships in our community. We look forward to visiting again soon!

Students Visit Council on Aging2025-01-20T11:12:06-05:00

A Cranberry Thanksgiving


Yesterday our students read an old New England classic, A Cranberry Thanksgiving. This story reminds us to invite those who may be "poor or lonely" to the table to enjoy the feast and friendship of Thanksgiving!  Students then made grandmother's "secret" cranberry bread recipe together and brought bread home to share with others. This was a beautiful community event where students worked together, problem solved, mentored younger students, and had a truly delightful morning! We are grateful to each and every one of you for your love, support, prayers, and continued interest in our school. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Saint [...]

A Cranberry Thanksgiving2024-11-29T07:10:31-05:00

Students Celebrate the Feast of St. Nektarios


Students at Saint George Classical Academy celebrated the feast of St. Nektarios as a school community. We started our day with a short prayer service, we shared his life story as a bishop and school principal in Greece. Students learned and performed the beautiful hymn that he composed "O Pure Virgin" and then feasted with quiche, fruit, pastries, blini and other treats. Children practiced their best manners while eating together at the table. We also shared some incredible miracles that are attributed to this important saint. Saint George students are sorted into houses to encourage mentorship opportunities and teamwork  and we [...]

Students Celebrate the Feast of St. Nektarios2024-11-26T19:34:53-05:00
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